Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's been a good break!

It has been nice to have a break from work! The kids have slept in for me in the mornings a bit. We were able to catch up with a friend for a play date. The not so fun part is taking the Christmas tree down and trying to fit it into the teeny tiny box it came with. Thank goodness for Bruce and getting it to fit. Another cousin was born over our break as well. Bruce's youngest sister Mckenzie had a baby girl on December 27th. Her name is Oakley April and we can't wait to meet her. Last, but not least I was able to catch these beautiful smiles at the dinner table and had to share with you all.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Think He Likes It!

Raleigh's first "Baby Mum Mum". They are Rice Rusks, or dissolvable crackers.

Dear Santa

Delanie and I sat down to write her letter to Santa. It was pretty priceless. I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share it. She spoke while I wrote the letter. Keep in mind I made her sentences for her.

Dear Santa,
I would like a purple dress for Christmas. I want a candy cane too. I have been a little naughty since Raleigh's been here. This week I have been trying to be a good girl. My mom has noticed that I have been trying. I would also like a princess Belle doll I almost forgot. If you could bring my poppa Steve some chocolate and some chapstick that would be nice. Please bring my bear Sassy a tutu. My uncle Doug gave me Sassy. Uncle Doug is a boy, he can't have a tutu, but Sassy can. Bring my grandma Kim a tutu. I love you Santa.
Love, Delanie (age 3)

Visiting Santa

We stood in line for over an hour to see Santa for two minutes. However it was worth it. Delanie went right up to him and climbed up on his lap. Raleigh was playing with his suit and smiling and laughing at Santa. Santa must have thought Raleigh was cute because half the pictures we got Santa was staring at Raleigh instead of looking at the camera:)

Thanksgiving Day Family Fun!

Thanksgiving Day was beautiful and we went outside to play. Bruce turned in to a "play system" monster and chased Delanie.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Holidays from the Slabas!

With Delanie being sick and then Raleigh I was starting to wonder if we were going to get pictures done for Christmas cards this year. So I got our cards ordered before we got these pictures taken. I wanted to share a couple because between myself and Grandma George I thought we got some pretty good photos!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Delanie 3 1/2 years

Delanie posing super sweet for her 3 1/2 year picture.

Sir Raleigh at 6 months

Raleigh posing for his 6 month picture on our front deck.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Belle of the Ball

Raleigh was a football for Halloween and Delanie was Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast. They were "The Belle of the Ball."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apple Orchard

We took Delanie and Raleigh to the apple orchard this weekend to pick apples only to find out we were a few weeks late! We didn't get to pick them, but we did find some in their store and boy did she like the giant apple!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Big Sister, Little Brother

Delanie is always want to hold Raleigh and I am terrible about finding the few minutes it takes to do so. I realized that I am going to be missing out on many pictures if I don't slow down and let it happen. So we took about twenty in the chair in Delanie's room of her sitting with her brother. If I truly put him on her lap he might crush her since he is nearing 15lbs.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Raleigh's 2 month shots!

It is hard to believe that Raleigh is 2 months old already. 10 weeks yesterday. He did so good while we were at the doctor and even for his shots. Five hours later he had a bit of a reaction and his legs swelled up and turned red. He cried for a couple hours and then was fine. He spent a full day yesterday at daycare and then went to stay with grandpa while I took Delanie to swimming. Came home and slept through the night!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Raleigh's Smiling!

Finally got him to smile while I had the camera! He would smile and I would pull it out and he would stop immediately! Not today, I totally caught him. Enjoy!

Monday, July 4, 2011

While we were in Sturgis for my mom's wedding we spent some time at Storybook Island. A great place to let Delanie run. Raleigh was great, slept the whole time. Congrats to my mom and her new husband Denny. With this marriage I gained three step sisters and a step brother:)

Happy 4th of July! We spent some fun in the sun today after a very busy weekend it was good to be home. Delanie loves the pool on our deck and the slide even more.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fun with Daddy!

Bruce sure knows how to make fun with Delanie! I was sitting in the living room rocking Raleigh and next thing I know Bruce and Delanie walk in dressed in Bruce's clothes together. I have to admit that was the funniest thing I have seen in awhile and Delanie laughs every time she sees the picture.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Raleigh had newborn pictures taken. He did not want to fall asleep at all and we even tried to go back on a different day. If I learned anything it is that babies need their first pictures taken within the first two weeks!

Raleigh's Announcement


Delanie has been obsessed with dresses! Everyday she asks to wear a dress, she will find one if I don't let her! I thought I would take her picture because I am guessing when she is older she will never want to wear them. I am starting to think that maybe I should just let her as she just finds one and puts it on over her clothes.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rolling Over at 2 weeks?

Must have been pretty mad because Raleigh rolled over during tummy time at 2 weeks. We haven't done it since, but haven't been super consistent with tummy time.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Little Memorial Day Tummy Time!

Raleigh has been basically holding his head up since day one so I thought we would take some pictures of tummy time. He lasted about 8 minutes on his tummy and then had enough. Not too bad!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Holding My Brother!

Delanie has been begging to hold Raleigh. We waited until she was more calmed down as she wanted to squeeze him and shake him up a bit. She did great today and I just had to post the picture!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No more pictures please!

I felt bad that I hadn't taken enough pictures of Raleigh so I have been going more picture crazy. I think Raleigh got tired of me taking his picture because I think I heard him sigh, like not again and he put his hands up to block the photo!

Big Sister Delanie

Big sister Delanie and I went for a walk today and when we came home I couldn't help to take a few photos of my beautiful girl! Later this afternoon I also took the two kids to the zoo and met a friend there. It was a beautiful afternoon. It would be hard to believe we would have another day this beautiful.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome Raleigh Steven!

Raleigh Steven was born on May 10th at 1:01a.m. He was 7lbs 3oz and 20 1/4 inches long. We feel very blessed to add Raleigh to our family. They say that 10-15% of women have their water break and this is what happened to me twice:) It is a good thing because I had contractions for weeks and was very confused as to when to go in. So when it happened I knew what to do! It was a quick and eventful evening. I had him Tuesday and went home Wednesday after lunch.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Delanie Turns Three!

Delanie is now three years old. It is hard to believe it! We had a birthday party for her and were very lucky that Jolene, Matt, Lily, and Justin got to come since they live so far away. We of course had to have a princess themed party because Delanie wants to wear a princess dress or tutu every day and every night. She hasn't even seen the Disney movies yet!

She got a basketball hoop for her birthday and the girls got into a basketball game and the laughter was quite enjoyable. Thanks to everyone who made it to the party and for those that she received cards from. She carried the cards around and talked about each one.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!

It is hard to believe how fast the rest of the year is going to go! Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, 23 I believe. This weekend I have some wonderful friends throwing me a small baby shower, next weekend I am attending one of those friends baby shower, and at that point I will have only 6 weeks left until baby arrives.

With Easter around the corner and two days off of school I decided to take two personal days to make it a 6 day vacation! I am very excited about that. The following days I have the SDCA Counseling conference. I remember clearly in 2008 I was having some minor contractions at this conference in Rapid City and was blessed with Delanie just three days later! So we will see.

Bruce is so used to being gone for hunting and fishing and for once I am the busy one. I think he is getting a taste of what is it like:)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Coming Soon!

Well, Friday the 31st marked my halfway point through my second pregnancy! I had an ultrasound and found out that baby is measuring perfect to the day. My due date is May the 20th. I guess it couldn't have happened at a better time considering the last day of school is May 18th! It would still be nice to get out a week early or so:) Yes, we do know what we are having, but trying to keep it a secret from Bruce's family. We will see if we can manage. This pregnancy has been quite different than the first. 15 weeks of all day sickness, followed by some other minor complications which I won't mention. Next up, trying to catch up on a gaining a pound a week. We will see!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas time!

We started with Christmas with my dad the week before Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my dad's brothers house in Flandreau and ate way too much food. Christmas Day we stayed home for the most part, except for a quick trip to Jen and Ty's. My mom and Denny came to our house for a bit as well. Then on the 26th we drove to Wagner and spend the day at Bruce's brother Matt's house and in the same day drove back. It seemed like a whirlwind Christmas this year and I am honestly exhausted. Maybe that is why I went to sleep at 830 on NYE! I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Preparing for the cold