Monday, October 8, 2012

Here comes Fall!

It's been awhile again. Over the summer Delanie participated in swimming, tennis, and soccer. I wanted it mostly for her motor skills, which you would have now never know she was a bit clumsy and behind. Tonight is the last night of soccer. Delanie started prekindergarten this year and loves it. Her and Raleigh attend the same place however they are in opposite sides of the building. Raleigh already sits up to a table on a tiny chair to eat. They tell me when they see each other they run to each other and hug. Warms my heart. Had I known a child care center could be so amazing I would have sent them sooner! We couldn't be more happy. Raleigh loves his ladies:) Delanie gets to attend Superstar Tumblebus gymnastics on Mondays. They come right to the daycare. She loves it! Mastered her somersaults and did them all over the soccer field last Monday! Delanie landed in the hospital the first week of September. She and Raleigh somehow contracted an unknown virus that killed off their enzymes that digest lactose. Delanie was off milk for 6 weeks? She just yesterday started milk and so far so good. They said it could take up to three months to regrow the enzymes. Raleigh is still off dairy. I am truly dreading that fun hospital bill! It is my favorite time of the year due to different reasons than my hunting loving husband. I am looking forward to seeing the family that I rarely see! I am missing my aunts and uncles:) Enjoy some pictures as Delanie is 4 1/2 this month and Raleigh will be a whopping 18 months in November, crazy!